Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Matilda wanted to wish you all a Happy Halloween!

Since we have been back (which still feels like yesterday, but it has been almost 8 mo.) I have felt like it was almost Christmas time. I think it was being around family again, and not having a traditional Christmas last year. Either way now it is getting close. I am getting so excited about Christmas music, shopping, eating, decorating, Matilda's first one (Christmas that is) and I am sure the list could go on. Either way Halloween is the gateway to Christmas!

Other random things. I think Michael and I have decided to do Apartment Life again. So we are getting excited about that. Many reason have lead to this decision, however we just really want to be serving again. We miss this a lot. Plus we always wanted Matilda to see us serving others. Also this will allow me to stay at home with her without the crazy stress of how ends will be met. However we still have the interview process to go, so we are not a 100% sure yet. We are going to trust God on this one.

So not to much else going on, just enjoying the great weather while it last and looking forward to the cold coming and get us.