Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Oh My...


Monday, May 14, 2007

Thoughts about being back.

I have been back in America for 8 weeks and I have yet to fully deal with everything. The emotions of being back in America and not in Africa anymore, the emotions of leaving the children in Africa that I thought would be like mine, the emotions of having a baby, the emotions of Michael working and me not and us not being together every waking moment. The emotions of having an amazing church family that wants to hang out with us, the emotions of being around a large crowd of people, and well I guess the list could go on and on.

However here I am, a stay at home wife growing a baby inside of me. I still feel like I am keeping my life fairly simple to say the least, as simple as you can in America. My mother-in-law taught me to knit so I am knitting now, I am making a sweater for the baby and I am doing a really intense bible study, I try to walk 3 miles a day (I want this baby to come out as smoothly as possible) However other then that I am taking it pretty easy. Michael is working and he seems to really be enjoying him self, which makes me happy for him, I love hearing all his stories about NASA and his co-workers. We are preparing the extra room at his Parents house for the baby and that has been going slowly but the baby will be in our room for a while so we are not in to big of a hurry. Speaking of baby, I am loving being pregnant. So far things are going really well. I feel great most days. I am not sleeping to well but that is normal I think it is God’s way of preparing you for never really sleeping again. My belly is getting so big (maybe I will get Michael to take a picture of my belly) I love feeling to baby swim around all over the place and kick me. We think we have decided to wait till the birth to find out the sex. We will have an ultrasound at my next appointment however we think we have made it this far without knowing so what will another 11 weeks hurt. I also think it will be pretty cool for everyone to meet this little person and be surprise all at the same time. We can’t wait to meet this little person! Michael is taking such great care of me, I could not have asked for a better husband.

So back to adjusting; it is still weird to watch TV although I must admit I am watching much more then I should. It is weird to be around large groups of people, I am not sure why this is and Michael I think it struggling more then me in this area however I do feel it. It is weird to be around young kids. I keep wanting to talk to them in Kiswahili and I guess I just got use to Africa kids and America kids are different and they understand me so I feel like I have to use words more and not just action, if that makes any sense. I don’t like going to far from home and when I am out I look forward to going back to the house. I am not sure if this is the pregnancy or if it is just being back. Food still is amazing and I want to eat everything which could be why I have gained like 25-30 lbs so far and I don’t think I really gained anything in Africa so that means I have put on that much since I have been home, CRAZY huh! However all in all we are very happy and very much at peace now with the ways things worked out. Don’t get me wrong we still cry if we talk about Africa or if we look at pictures. We still get worked up if we think about some of the things we wish would have been different. And we still miss our friends and the children. However we know this is where God wants us right now. When we think of the future we still get over whelmed and try not to plan so much. Africa has really humbled me in this area. God has different plans and that is ok with me because I trust that His plans are better then anything I could come up with on my own. We are still taking things one day at a time and just trying to enjoy this crazy journey He has us on. I know I have said this a lot but I don’t think I could ever say it enough, THANK YOU for all your support. We still feel your prayers for our lives. I am not sure how many people are still looking at this blog but know that we are here and we would love to hang with you and talk with you. We love you all very much and we are so glad you are a part of our lives.