Sunday, December 19, 2010

Catching you up...

So our life seems to be moving much faster then I could keep up on blogging about it. All the kids are in bed right now, I find it to be a small victory if I can get them all a sleep especially at nap time.
Anyhow, we have been able to see Jennifer once since Isaiah was born and since we learned that she was expecting again. She seemed... well I am sure you can image how she might be. We have posted a picture of Jennifer with Isaiah. She is due late April early May, please keep her and our next child in your prayers, we are already terribly in love.

Other news, It looks like Michael may have a job. As some of you might have heard Michael is being laid off on Jan. 6th. He was going to student teach for free for 14 weeks however he has been able to find a job with the help of God (of course). He will be a Jr high teacher at a charter school for children in the CPS system. It is a Depelchin school and it is govern by the state of Texas so he will still be able to get his certification at the end of a paid year!!! So he is set to start after going to Austin for training on Jan. 10. Thank you for all who prayer for this.

We were set to move in with Carol, Michael's mom at the end of Jan. however we are still very much on the fence about it all. Too much change for all of us to handle. So with that being said, maybe pray that we find an amazing house that fits all the Rice tribe.

Also I have posted some home made gifts, Tilda, Evie and I made.They are stationary. Isaiah helped by sleeping while we worked. The boy is CRAZY!! All boy and no crafts makes a sad mom and Tilda. So he naps and we craft away. I also made pillows for a few family members no photo of that.


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