Monday, February 20, 2006

This gets more real everyday.

It really does. Now more than ever because responses from our fund raising letters are coming back to us. The responses more than confirm God's plan for Tammi and I. We are so excited, but tired at the same time.

In one of my classes the old saying "Kill them all and let God sort them out" was brought up in discussion. The line stuck with me and I came to the epiphany that all too often we tend to personify our problems, allow them to get to us, and eventualy break under the pressure. Being a husband, working and going to school full time, leading a small group, beginning theology training to possibly become an ordained minister, as well as getting ready for Tammi and I's journey to Africa, I began too lose sight of the beauty in God's plan for us, all of us. I began to give in to the tiredness, complaining, and all around overdramatics.

But I didn't want that.

I gave it all to God.

I let Him sort it out.

I am ready.