Sunday, February 04, 2007

Coming Home: The Dream

So I had a dream last night where we came and we, well just I, strangely enough, was at our coming home party. The party was taking place on a patio, much like Onion Creek. The business was a place that made burritos, but they weren't serving anyone, so I went to Taco Bell and got some food (It tasted terrible [this may not be a surprise to some of you]). When I returned the place was serving burritos, Nini-T-F?*

Anyway, I barely knew anyone at the party. I vividly remember Mat Morkin being there, he was crying, saying he was going to miss us, like we were leaving again. The other people I recognized were people from high school who had no idea I had even been gone. They kept I asking "So what have you been up to?" I would tell them that they were at my welcome home party. Not really knowing any of the people, I remained fairly quiet. Finally someone began talking about the prices of soda, so I took this as my chance to to say something about soda in Africa:

Me: When I was in Africa...

Everyone(groaning in unison): Oh God! Are you always going to talk about what it was like in Africa?!?!

Me: (silent)

So that was rough. So it was a lot of listening to strangers talk about strange things. Then I looked down the steps of the patio and there were som dirty, naked, Asian children begging and I said "There was saying in Africa 'Whereever there are naked, begging, Asian children, tea will be served'"**. Everyone silently stared at me. So I got frustrated and began walking to my car (the MALIBU!) looking forward to listening to music loadly and alone. On my way to the car I saw a man walking with a kettle of tea and some cups.

Behind him was a chimpanzee. I said "Whereever there is a (expletive deleted) monkey, tea will be served." Then Tammi woke me up because we were running late for church.

It was kind of a bitter dream. I must warn our friends and family, we will probably talk a lot about Africa at first, bear with us.

Also, Mat Morkin, don't cry, we will be around for a while.

* "Nini"="What"
**There is no such saying in Africa, or the World for that matter, as far as I know.


Blogger davatron5000 said...

i'd love to hear every "in Africa..." story you have. lord knows i have more than a few "in Asia" stories. we could have the ultimate Asia vs. Africa showdown! i love you. come home at your earliest convenience.

11:19 AM  
Blogger Krista Vossler said...

that was some crazy dream...amazing! i was planning on writing something about how i have a bunch of "in Asia" stories, but dave stole my thunder. :) can't wait to see you guys! we miss you very much...we were just talking about it today...

7:29 PM  
Blogger Stacy said...

I have some "in houston" stories but that's about it. yours must be more interesting and i can't wait to hear. coming home is quickly approahing and i hope to see you the first chance i get!!

11:25 AM  
Blogger Rococoaster said...

Never has such a bitter dream caused so many belly laughs. I am sure of that, friend. We look forward to your stories, hopefully you'll tell them at Onion Creek...sans Taco Bell...uncortunately sans B & K too! But also no tears!

6:15 PM  

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