Wednesday, January 03, 2007

From Tammi...

Date: Unknown

I would like to be sorry about not really writing much, I think I am just really numb these days. God has more in store for us and that has left me in His whirlwind as usual. I am left just standing back in awe of who He is and what he wants with me. We came here with the hopes of this being our new family and what we have found out is our real family is amazing! Our Church family back home is still our Community. Don’t get me wrong we have found amazing people and we have seen God here without us ever doing anything. We really did come to love these children and how everyone back home responded to that has still left me pointing to God because He is the only one that could make their response possible. So now we have to say our good-byes, when we thought we would never say good-bye. I am left with peace, I have cried, I have talked to God about it over and over again. He has not told me everything and I doubt He ever will, He has just told me that it is okay and that House of Hope is okay and that it is not worth fighting for anymore. So I surrender to Him and we leave. I have no idea what is in store for us in Mwanza. At first I was not looking forward to it. I thought I have been a nomad for years it seems. We lived with Michael’s parents and then we moved into an empty condo for 7 weeks and then we have been in Africa trying to make a home where we would never have a home, and now a new place to try to create a sense of belonging. All the places we have squatted at has made us grow into better people so we have no regrets, however it does make each move a little harder. I know that following God may mean never having a place to lay our head again, but our flesh wants to lay our head down somewhere.
So going to yet a new place, a new country, someone elses home…. all sounds and feels so tiring. However we have been in prayer about this for a while and when we bought our airfare yesterday (because the 17 hour bus ride might have killed us) I felt excited for the first time. I felt like everything was going to be okay and we were going where God wanted us to go. So our tickets are to leave on January 5th and return to House of Hope on May 1st and stay and visit for 1 week and then off to Houston on May 8th (get home on May 9th). When we talk it sounds so close however when we calculate we still find it ends up being 4 months and well on Jan. 7th we will have been in Africa for 5 mo. so we are just a little over half way their. I feel humbled by this, humbled about all I said before I came, humbled in my perspective towards the world, humbled when I think of how much our family has sacrificed for us, humbled at how many people are praying for us, and I know the list could go on. You know if God brought me all the away across the world to humble me I would say it was more than worth it. I wish I could tell all of you how truly blessed you have made me. It just seems that THANK YOU would never do it. Never be enough to show you how much you have done for me, given me and been for me. I love you and not just the ‘thank you’ kind of Love, but a real love that is from God for you, the love that makes you weep at night because I miss you. Thank you for that.


From Michael:

The next blog entry from me will be from Mwanza, Tanzania! The place we are staying has an internet connection from what I hear, so who knows what craziness might ensue? I love music, and sharing it, so maybe a podcast, for those internet savvy people...stay tuned.


Blogger Unknown said...

miss you guys! excited for you guys to get to go to tanzania... a friend of mine spent a summer there and she loved it. vary vaaarry excited to see you guys again in may.

peace and love!

1:57 PM  

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