Monday, February 25, 2008

I Gots My First Toof!

Tilda will destroy you!

Matilda is resting and I am getting things done around the house so that is nice. Much has happened since Michael’s list and I will try to catch you all up. Well I tried the work thing and it was not my cup of tea right now. Matilda was not doing all that hot in her class and that was making me so sad, and I kept feeling like I do not have to do this to her. My class was nice and the kids were so smart. Matilda and I were spending way too much time in traffic and the gas, oh don’t get me started on the gas. Well after I paid for Matilda’s class and all the gas, I was making about $70 a week and well that would never make it worth it. So I quit. It is nice to be back home with my baby again. I just kept thinking this is the only season of my life I would have this time with her and well, I want to make myself sick of her, wink wink.
Michael tried the Grad class and it too was not his cup of tea, for now anyways, maybe another time. He just realized it was a lot of work for this season of our lives. We have started doing Apartment life again and well having a 6 mo. old and him working and doing ministry, it all added up to way too much right now. So he is all mine on Thursday nights again!! Well mine and LOST (the show).
Matilda is great, she is growing so fast, I kept saying we are going to blink and she is going to be a big girl, but really it feels faster then that. Some days it stills feels surreal and I fall in love all over again. I think our lives will never be what it was and that is weird and cool all at the same time. We are really a mom and a dad. My sister is living with us, so that has made it seem even more like we are a mom and a dad. She is doing well here and I know this is the right place for her. She is a big help and Matilda just loves her. I know Matilda misses Nanny and Paw, but we try to see them often. I miss them too!! When I was pregnant we watched this show called Big Brother and now that it is on again and I realize just how much I miss them. Carol had really become a good friend to me and I really am missing that. Also, they were a huge help with Tilda. We spent countless hours in the back yard swinging on the swing just to get her to sleep. Carol and Gary have done more for us then we could ever repay or thank enough.
Well Tilda is awake and I have to change her and get her dressed now. Now that I am home I will try to update more. Thank you for still reading.


Blogger Carrie said...

What a big girl!!! So cute...thanks for the update!

7:06 AM  

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