Friday, January 04, 2008

Due to a lack of updating: A List!

The thing about blogging is this:

You have to blog.

I just figured this out.


When you go an extended amount of time without updating you reach a point where the thought of returning to the blog is a daunting task.

So I thought I would remedy this by simply creating a list of whats been happening and to catch everyone up to speed. Plus, I like lists, I think a lot of people do.

So here we go:

1. Tilda is amazing. Plain and simple. You can look at our Flickr photostream to the right and see that. She is extremely entertaining and adorable. She will destroy us all.
2. Tammi is teaching at Montessori Country Day School in the museum district. This is the school that helped us out so much when we were preparing for Kenya. Tammi is still feeling her way around but I think she will do great. Plus, with Tammi working there Tilda has been accepted into the program at a drastically reduced rate.
3. Tammi and I are returning to Apartment Life. We move into the London Belle Apartments on January 19th. We are excited and scared at the same time. I think it will be really good to return to ministry.
4. Tammi's sister, Kim, will be moving in with us. I'm sure this will be fun and trying at the same time. (I keed, I keed[but kinda not]).
5. I am giving a sermon this Sunday at Basilica about worry, and strangely enough, I am not worried about it. I guess this faith thing really works, whoda thunk it?!
6. I fractured my ankle three days before Christmas then got sick and slept for two days. So yay!
7. Pray for Kenya. I know a lot of the updates most of you get have put a lot of blame on the opposition party. And while they are to blame for a lot of the problems going on right now, I can't help but feel something is not on the up and up with the Kibaki Administration. Remember people: Just because a group is already in power does not mean that they are always in the right. (*steps down from soapbox*)
8. I am going to graduate school under the Cross Cultural Studies Program. I start my first class in about 9 days. It's a Cultures of the Middle East Lecture, and should be fun. (A side note: graduate school is expensive! Pray for one of two things: I will actually be eligible for financial aid, and not just be given the "gift of a student loan" or that my company will accept my proposal and pay for my schooling(Go Space!).

That's it! I am sure I missed something, but it's 5:30 in that morning.

Sorry about no 9 or 10, I hope that doesn't disrupt anyones day.


P.S. We are totally not in Tanzania anymore, I just haven't had the chance to change the banner.


Blogger Carrie said...

Yay!!!! An update and I can't believe how beautiful and big your daughter is!!!! Now, keep it coming!

7:05 AM  
Blogger RedKev said...

Greetings from my couch to my fellow non-walking friend. Hopefully, you will fare better than I.

3:49 PM  

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