Friday, August 17, 2007

Matilda Eloise Rice

Born: 08/16/2007 at 09:39pm
Weight: 9 pounds 6 Ounces
Length: 21 inches

It started like this:
We had our regular office visit with the midwives on Wednesday. We had already been told that, with Tammi being almost overdue by 2 weeks, Friday would be last day of the pregnancy. After an ultrasound we were told that the amniotic fluid was low and it would be best to deliver on Thursday. THE NEXT DAY!

I think we handled everything in stride. We were told to call Thursday morning at 5 am to see if there was a room ready, if there was, we would be told when to come in.

Sure enough, there was an opening and we were told to come in at 7 am. We arrived to find that we got the room we wanted with the garden jacuzzi tub (this was a must since Tammi wanted to labor in the tub). By 9 am Tammi was put on pitocin and the contractions began soon after, which was welcomed, except they were coming right on top of each other, rather than offering a break in-between, which was unfortunate, more so for Tammi than for me.

Initially the progress was slow. Tammi arrived at 2 centimeters and several hours later was only up to 3. But as Tammi reached 5 centimeters things really began to roll! During this time Tammi began feeling discouraged, but she focused her mind and heart on Christ, we read the scripture that everyone had given us, and prayed and after a hard couple of hours Tammi was at 8 centimeters! As Jana, the midwife, was telling us this, Tammi's water broke! At this time Jana took Tammi off the Pitocin and moved her to the tub. Needless to say this offered some much needed relief to Tammi.

After the tub we moved back to the bed and began pushing. It was such hard work, but 39 minutes later little Matilda came out. We were so happy. It was so overwhelming but in such a beautiful way. I can't even describe it. I'm sure all you parents out there know what I am talking about.

I am so proud of our little girl! I am so blessed to have the ONLY perfect child ever born (theologians: put your Bibles down, it was a joke!). But more than that, I am so proud of Tammi. She was so strong and fierce, she is truly unstoppable with Christ on her side!

There was some tearing, due to Matilda's coming out Superman style (fist first, followed by head), so we have had to stay a little longer in the hospital. We are hoping to leave Saturday afternoon, if all goes well.

Thank you God for my family! I am so blessed. Thank you for the community that has surrounded us and loved us. Thank you for your Son and the life that His death has granted us.

Thank you for my little girl.

Note: This is much more condensed account of the event, I am sure Tammi will fill all of you in later on.


Blogger Carrie said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is beautiful and great job Tammi!!!!

5:54 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

I am so very happy for you both, and so proud of Tammi! Many blessings for your little family!

7:37 PM  

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